To understand “HTML” from beginning to end, let’s look at each word that is part of the acronym:
Hypertext: Structured text (usually embedded images) to link related elements.
Marks: A style guide for any print or electronic publication
Language: Software that understands language and is used to interpret instructions.
HTML defines the structure of web pages. This feature alone is not enough to make a website engaging and interactive. So you use helpful tools like CSS and JavaScript to customize your hypertext mark-up language and improve interactivity accordingly.
In this case, I would like to break down the three technologies – hypertext mark-up language, CSS, and JavaScript in this way: they are like the human body.
- HTML is the skeleton,
- CSS is the skin,
- And JavaScript has a pulse, digestion, and respiration system that animates textures and skin.
You can see the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code as: HTML for the structure of the house, CSS for the interior and exterior decorations, and JavaScript for the electrical appliances, plumbing, and various other devices that appear in the house. .
Because HTML defines the index of a particular site, you want text, images, or other attachments to appear a certain way.
For example, you may want to make the text somewhat larger, somewhat smaller, somewhat bold, bold, or bulletproof.
HTML provides “tags” that let you accomplish this. So there are tags to create headings, paragraphs, bold, italics and more.
HTML Elements
Elements include an open menu, an icon, a content and a closed menu. Some items are empty, meaning they don’t have a closing tab, but they do have a page source or link to the content you added.
An example of an empty object is , which is used to add an image to a web page.
Although tags and HTML components are frequently used interchangeably, there are some distinctions between the two. A key feature is opening and closing signals and then data integration in between.
HTML Attributes
HTML tags are also called attributes. These attributes are included in the qualifying context and range from style icons to categories. They take parameters that give more information about the element and help you do things like format and use it with JavaScript.
In the infographic below, the Start menu has a class property with the value “Text”. It can be used to style or select objects for interaction in JavaScript
Here’s a look at the key pieces of code.
: Indicates that we are using HTML5 in this code. Before HTML5, you had to specify the version of the encoded HTML using the tag. Such as HTML 4.0 and 3.2. But we don’t need it right now. When “HTML” is typed, the browser automatically assumes that you are typing HTML5.
: The body or root element of any hypertext mark-up language document. Each object should be wrapped around itself.
: Among the most crucial components of an hypertext mark-up language document. Crawlers look for title tags to find important information on a page. This includes page titles, style sheets, SEO metadata and more.
: This is an empty object that provides metadata about the page. Such information may include author, encoding used (almost always UTF-8), feedback, compatibility, and more. Web crawlers constantly search for meta tags to find information about a webpage, which plays an important role in SEO.
: Defines the title of the website. It always appears in the browser context.
: The body tab contains all the contents of the HTML document. There can only be one tab on the entire page.
What is Semantic HTML?
Semantic HTML, also known as semantic markup, refers to the use of hypertext mark-up language tags to convey the meaning (semantic) of the content in the content. Adding semantic hypertext mark-up language tags to your pages provides additional information that helps you determine the functionality and importance of different parts of your site. (In contrast to non-semantic HTMLhypertext mark-up language, which uses tags that do not directly define their meaning.)
Note: HTML is the language used to create websites, this guide assumes you have a basic understanding of hypertext mark-up language. If you’re a beginner, we recommend reading our hypertext mark-up language Beginner’s Guide.
What Are Semantic HTML Tags?
Semantic HTML tags are tags that define the meaning of their content.
For example, tags like , and are semantic hypertext mark-up language tags. They clearly describe the content they cover.
On the other hand, tags like and are common examples of non-semantic HTML elements. They only act as content owners and do not provide any information about the type of content they have or the role the content plays on the site.
How HTML Works
HTML is a text file with special syntax, files, and naming conventions that tell computers and web servers that it is hypertext mark-up language and should be read as such. By adding these HTML commands to text files and text editors, users can create and design original pages and upload them to the Internet.
The basic principle of HTML rules is to include a document style declaration at the beginning of a text file. This is the part that tells your computer that it is an hypertext mark-up language file, so it always appears at the beginning of the document. Document headers look like . You will always write it like this, without downloading or stopping. Your computer will not recognize content before this declaration as HTML.
DocTips are not only used for hypertext mark-up language, but can be applied to any type of document that uses SGML (Synchronized Markup Language). SGML is a standard for the use of some markup languages. HTML is one of the few markup languages that implement SGML and doctype declarations.
Another important thing for creating hypertext mark-up language files is to save them with the file extension html. The doctype declaration comes from inside the file to tell the HTML to the computer, while the file extension comes from outside the file to tell the HTML to the computer. Having both allows your computer to recognize that it is an HTML file, whether you read it or not. This is especially important when uploading files from the web. The web server needs to know what to do with the file before sending it to the client’s computer and reading its contents.
After writing a doctype and saving it as an HTML file.
users can implement other HTML syntax tools to format their web pages. Once done, you will have several hypertext mark-up language files corresponding to different pages on your site. It is important to allow links between files by uploading them to the same level when users save these files, and by displaying each page in the same place as the file from another page. If you load them in a different order, the specified file path will not match the page, resulting in broken links or blank pages.
Blog By:- ExpertSadar