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How to Make a WordPress Website Step By Step in 2024?


WordPress is among the most widely used content management systems (CMS). Learning WordPress takes time, especially for bloggers, freelancers, and small business owners. But it is easier and faster than creating a website using HTML or other programming languages. Customize your website in a number of ways, including premium WordPress themes and popular plugins. This article explains how to build a WordPress website, from buying a custom domain to hosting it. All the steps to start a new website using Divi as a theme.

What should I start with?

If you’re building a new WordPress website, you’ll need a few things. This includes decisions about your website domain, web hosting, and layout. Let’s see what it takes to win.

Step 1: Buy a Domain Name

Before considering where to host your website and content, choose the right domain name. You want it to match your brand. So, find the right domain name for your business. We recommend purchasing your domain from a registrar such as Namecheap. It is one of the popular registrars providing domain name registration, transfer and management services and is an ICANN accredited service. We also offer domain name searches to find the best deals on generic or advanced domains at competitive prices.

Think about the top-level extension (TLD) you use, .com or whatever. For many people, TLDs are an important part of the selection process for many reasons, including SEO. Once you’ve decided on a domain name, consider your options. You must purchase the domain name. Although setup is easy and the first step is okay, it is better not to buy a domain from a hosting company. This can be a problem if you change your website host for any number of reasons. Therefore, we recommend keeping two independent storages on your domain to maintain maximum control.

Step 2: Are You Ready to Buy Hosting on Divi?

Another important step is to purchase a WordPress hosting plan for your website. Let’s first learn about different types of hosting before making a final decision. All you can do is decide what works best for your situation and decide on the best host for your needs. It is better to choose one with more features that suits your budget. A good hosting provider will focus on security patches and updates and guarantee 99% uptime. We also offer free services like SSL, email and data protection. SiteGround hosted website is a powerful system with all these features. Our hosting plans are compatible with WordPress and include benefits such as excellent support and affordable pricing.

For beginners, SiteGround’s starter program is a great place to start. With free features like 10 GB of storage, SSL, CDN, business email, migration, administration, and a free domain, you have everything you need to get started for less than $15 per month. As an added bonus from our tests, this is the fastest WordPress hosting available. As a hosting partner of Beautiful Environment, SiteGround offers Divi hosting plans. Divi comes pre-installed and uses the Divi license, so you can skip the complicated installation process and start building websites right away. SiteGround is the best for DV with PHP installation and server configuration. Better tools too.

Step 3: Install WordPress On The Hosting

You can install your WordPress with just a few clicks. There are many ways to install WordPress, but we recommend SiteGround Wizard as shown in the image below. If you choose WordPress, you’ll be prompted to create a domain and website, and your WordPress account will be up and running in less than a minute.


If you’ve already set up your WordPress instance and migrated it, SiteGround makes it easy to migrate WordPress with just a few clicks. (and very fast) After installation, you can return to your SiteGround client list to view your installations. (Useful if you have multiple websites)

Click on the website icon in the top menu. It will then index your web pages. When you click on the page tool the button below will open. By clicking on WordPress admin, you should be able to access your WordPress dashboard.

3.1 Accessing Your WordPress Dashboard

You can also choose your browser to use in your WordPress dashboard.

Usually it’s “”

You will be taken to a login screen like this.

Use the domain and website you used when setting up SiteGround.


Step 4: Choose and Install a WordPress Theme

You have created the infrastructure to support your website (domain, hosting and WordPress). Next, let’s talk about customizing your website in the next step. Locating and installing a theme is the first step.

4.1 What is a WordPress Theme?

This is an official statement from

WordPress themes change the design of your website. This usually includes appearance. If you change your theme, the appearance of the home page will change. This refers to what visitors see when they browse your website online.

WordPress themes allow you to customize and customize the appearance of your website according to your needs and branding guidelines. With the help of a theme, you can customize the layout, structure, colors and appearance of your website.

Step 5: Create Website Structure and Add Pages

After selecting the images, create a layout and add important pages.

These are usually:

  • Homepage
  • About us
  • Contact page — here, you can add your social links (Facebook page, Twitter, etc.)
  • Our services/products
  • Blog
  • Gallery
  • Testimonials/reviews

Find out which sites interest you the most and start there. Add these important pages to the header and footer so visitors can easily find them on your site. If you don’t know what to have on your website, read this article about the 12 essential things every website should have.

Adding pages and publishing content

A blank page without pages or content is not attractive to anyone, so we need to add some pages and blog posts to make your site interesting and attractive.

To add a page to your WordPress site, go to “Pages” in the left menu and then click “Add New”.

This will take you to the WordPress theme editor.

If you’re visiting the site for the first time, you’ll get a brief overview of how it works and where the components are.

It is very easy to use; Everything is block based, if you want to add something to your site, just select the right “block” from the list and fill it. Our guide has further information about the block editor.

On the left, in the Content Keys section, you have multiple content options. Each has a different purpose and adds a different visual element to the site.

Alternatively, the left-hand menu allows you to change some page settings, such as author, permalink (URL), custom image and more.

In the top left menu, you can change the number of blocks selected by clicking Blocks.

After you approve the site, you can make it public or private. The first should target any visitor, and the second should be on your website dashboard – a great option to manage if you work on a specific site.

You can also see changes or the date and time the page was printed.

Creating a Structure and Navigation

Once the page is created, add it to the navigation panel (menu). This is the interface that allows site visitors to access other content. In WordPress, click on “Stone View” in the left pane, then click on “Menu”. Once you’ve created a list, you can add and organize pages within it.

Step 6: Add a Logo and a Favicon

Having content and settings on your website means you’re close to the finish line. Use your logo and favicon to create content. Both can be added using the “Site Identity” menu.

To get this, go to “View” in the left menu, click “Customize,” and then “Site Identity.” In the “Logo” section, click “Choose Logo” and choose whether to send a logo file from your image. Once you do this, your logo will automatically appear on your website.

If you want to display the logo next to the website name in the URL bar, you can do so by adding a bookmark. Place the favicon under “Site Icon” in the “Site Identity” menu.

You can create a favicon using one of these free favicon generators. They can turn your logo into a favicon with perfect shape and size.

Your website is ready!

All right! At this stage, you need to organize your website properly. If you’re having trouble or need help setting up your website, don’t hesitate to contact us. It is also important to integrate your website with Google Search Console. This important tool, also known as GSC, helps search engines analyze traffic and determine what is most relevant to the target audience. Google Search Console provides the best information by providing an overview of your website design. Installing this tool is simple and takes about 10 minutes. Here you will find a detailed guide that will help you every step of the way.



Blog By:- ExpertSadar

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