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What is the common cold?

common cold

A cold that affects your throat and nose is called a common cold. It may not feel innocuous, but it usually is. Colds are brought on by germs known as viruses. It is common for individuals to experience two or three colds yearly. Coughs may be more common in infants and early childhood. An average common cold usually clears up in 7 to 10 days for most people. For those who smoke, symptoms may linger longer. Typically, a normal cold doesn’t require medical attention. Consult with your healthcare physician if your symptoms worsen or don’t get better. Upper respiratory tract infections are infections of the nose, throat, and sinuses caused by bacteria.


Common common cold symptoms often appear one to three days following exposure to the cold virus. The symptoms differ. They may consist of:

  1.  Swollen or runny nose.
  2.  Sore or itchy throat.
  3.  Cough.
  4.  Sneezing.
  5.  Feeling bad all around.
  6.  Mild headache or body pains.
  7.  Fever of low grade.

Your nose’s mucus may begin clear at first and then become yellow or green as it thickens. This shift is typical. It doesn’t usually indicate that you have a bacterial infection.

When to see a doctor

For adults. A common common cold usually doesn’t require medical attention. However, if you have: consult your healthcare physician.

  1.  Symptoms that do not improve or develop worse.
  2.  Any temperature that is higher than 101.3 degrees Fahrenheit (38.5 degrees Celsius) and persists for more than three days.
  3.  A fever that reappears after going without.
  4.  Breathing difficulties.
  5.  Striding.
  6.  Severe headache, nasal discomfort, or sore throat.

For children. The majority of kids with a common common cold don’t require medical attention. If your child exhibits any of the following symptoms, have them checked out straight away:

  1. fever in neonates up to 12 weeks of life, measured in degrees Celsius or 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. A youngster of any age who has a fever that is rising or that lasts longer than two days.
  3. more severe symptoms such as coughing, headaches, or sore throats.
  4. breathing difficulties or wheezing.
  5. ache in the ears.
  6. unusual levels of sleepiness or fussiness.
  7.  Lack of desire to eat.


  • A cold can be caused by a variety of viruses. The most frequent cause is rhinoviruses.
  • The mouth, eyes, or nose are the entry points for a common cold virus. The virus can proliferate through:
  • A sick person’s cough, sneeze, or speech might release droplets into the air.
  • touch between the hands of a cold-sick person.
  • distributing contaminated items, such as toys, plates, towels, phones, or other items.
  • After coming into contact with the virus, touching your lips, nose, or eyes.

Risk factors

A cold may be more likely to occur as a result of several factors:

  • Age. Compared to other individuals, infants and young children are more likely to have a cold, especially if they attend daycare facilities.
  • Weakened immune system. Your risk is higher if you have a chronic disease or a compromised immune system.
  • Time of year. common cold are more common in the fall and winter in both adults and children.
  • Smoking. The chance of getting a cold rises when one smokes or is around secondhand smoke.
  • Exposure.  A cold is more likely to strike in crowded places like an airport or school.


Your common cold may coexist with these conditions:

  • Middle ear infection. This refers to the fluid accumulation and swelling in the area below the eardrum. It might be brought on by bacteria or a virus. Earaches or a fever that returns after a common cold are frequent indications and symptoms.
  • Asthma. Even in those without asthma, a cold can cause wheezing. A cold can aggravate asthmatic symptoms.
  • Sinusitis. A persistent common cold can cause nasal swelling and discomfort in both adults and children. These are the hollow areas in the skull that surround and above the nose and eyes. Sinusitis may be brought on by germs or viruses.
  • Other illnesses.. Lung conditions like bronchitis or pneumonia can arise from a normal cold. Individuals who suffer from asthma or compromised immune systems are more susceptible to these ailments.


A vaccination exists, but not for the common cold. To stop the virus from spreading further and avoid getting sick, you can do the following:

  • Wash your hands. Spend at least 20 seconds thoroughly and frequently washing your hands with soap and water. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if soap and water aren’t accessible. Instill in your kids the value of cleaning their hands. Avoid touching your mouth, nose, or eyes with unclean hands.
  • Clean and disinfect. Frequently touched surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected. These include of light switches, doorknobs, electronics, and counters in the kitchen and bathroom. This is particularly crucial if someone in your household is sick with a common cold. Clean kids’ toys often.
  • Cover your cough. Cough and sneeze into tissues. After using a tissue, discard it immediately and wash your hands. Sneeze or cough into the crook of your elbow if you don’t have a tissue, and then wash your hands.
  • Don’t share. Never share cutlery or glasses with other family members.
  • Stay away from people with colds. Keep your distance from those who are sick with the flu. Avoid crowds whenever you can. When in a crowd, try not to touch your lips, nose, or eyes.
  • Review your child care center’s policies. Seek daycare facilities with hygienic procedures and explicit guidelines regarding sending ill kids home.
  • Take care of yourself. To help you stay healthy, eat a good diet, exercise, and get lots of sleep.

Blog By:- ExpertSadar

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