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What are the causes of childhood anxiety?

childhood anxiety

Childhood anxiety and fear, It is normal to feel fear in the face of a challenge or crisis. Stress is a dangerous thing. New fears and anxieties are temporary and reflect how children cope. Parents and caregivers can help children understand and overcome their fears and anxieties.

Childhood anxiety:

Worryingly, health experts say around one in five children suffer from it. Childhood anxiety differs from ordinary fear or anxiety in that it is more closed, more emotionally focused, or lasts longer than expected. Childhood anxiety disorders are more likely to experience emotions such as crying or anger. And it can go a long way. They try to run and hide and are often “destructive”. Children may also have physical symptoms such as abdominal pain, headache, nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, or sleep disturbances.

What are the types of childhood anxiety?

There are a few different types of childhood anxiety:

Separation anxiety disorder.

Separation anxiety is a normal and important stage that begins around 8-12 months of age. In most cases of separation anxiety, your child may be afraid of strangers and feel insecure without them. Separation anxiety improves as children enter kindergarten. Dissociative anxiety disorders are very serious and persist beyond this normal developmental period. childhood anxiety worry about their parents or other family members and have trouble going to school, being away from home or family, or staying in bed. If your child has more severe anxiety or separation anxiety than other children, is not making progress, or is becoming irritable, talk to your child’s healthcare professional.

Specific phobias:

Fear protects us from danger, so children are expected to have some fear. Maybe your child is afraid of storms, clowns, or whatever. But some phobias are so terrifying that they ignore the real problem.

Social Childhood anxiety disorder.

Fear of being judged or rejected in social situations. Your child may fear speaking or speaking in public. Or they are overwhelmed by anxiety and struggle to socialize or talk to new people at school or other familiar environments. They may avoid social situations altogether.

Generalized Childhood anxiety disorder.

Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by excessive worry and fear of events in everyday life. Your child may worry about the future more than any other child around. They may worry a lot or they may change over time, but they will always worry about something.

Panic disorder occurs.

Children with panic disorder have physical symptoms such as palpitations and dizziness, as well as extreme fear, anxiety, or breathing problems (shortness of breath). These panic attacks can come without warning and disappear within minutes to hours.

Symptoms of anxiety in children and young people

Signs to look out for in your child are:

1. It is difficult to concentrate
2. Insomnia or waking up at night with nightmares
3. Eating more or less than usual
4. He gets irritated or angry easily and cannot control his anger
5. Frequent thoughts or misconceptions
6. tension, motion sickness, or frequent bathroom use
7. Sometimes I cried
8. Lies, especially to small children
9. He complains of stomach pain and feels bad Separation anxiety is more common in young children, older children, and teenagers who are anxious about school or suffer from social anxiety.

What causes anxiety in children?

Some children are naturally sensitive and may have difficulty dealing with change or difficult moods. These children may be prone to biological or family concerns. Depression can also occur after traumatic events in life, and some people have been exposed to multiple traumatic events since childhood.

1. Death of a close person.
2. Moving to a new home or school, especially if this move happens all the time.
3. Eating well is hard. Placement is difficult.
4. Opportunity to continue education.
5. arguing, fighting, or separated and divorced parents.
6. Abuse, abuse or neglect.

Why are children most stressed?

It is difficult to say exactly what causes childhood anxiety. Fear is a natural part of growing up. Some kids manage everything. But genetics, biology, and family history are believed to play a role in childhood anxiety disorders that affect their daily lives.


Treatment for anxiety in children includes:

1.Talking therapy

Counseling and talk therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) are common and effective treatments for childhood anxiety. During cognitive-behavioral therapy, a mental health professional can teach a child about stress and how it affects the body. They can also teach the child to recognize problems and find ways to treat them. Children can refocus their thoughts and use techniques such as mindfulness, breath control, and slow muscle relaxation to improve symptoms.


Antidepressants are a popular treatment for a variety of mental health conditions. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are treatments for childhood anxiety that do not cause many side effects. They are not baptized either. SSRIs work by increasing levels of the brain chemical serotonin, which is associated with happiness and well-being. Doctors may prescribe benzodiazepines for children with childhood anxiety. It’s like no other option because it can be addictive. As a result, doctors prescribe benzodiazepines for a short period of time.

Blog By: ExpertSadar

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