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How to Avoid Travel Scams?

Travel Scams

There are many great things about traveling, but if you lose money or possessions, it is no longer a problem. Here are some common Travel Scams to look out for and tips on how to avoid them

We travel for many reasons, but meeting new people and interacting with other countries and cultures are definitely at the top of the list. These are some of the most important experiences for travelers, leading to lifelong friendships and a deeper understanding of the world. But in every country there are scammers who target travelers.

I have discovered more generosity and genuine kindness on this journey than any scam I have ever read or witnessed. Where I live in America is probably more dangerous than most places. However, scams are common when traveling abroad. For some, cash is more attractive to tourists. Scammers target travelers, for some it is a game. For others it is the only way to survive. Regardless of the trend in cash and/or baggage fraud, travelers may want to avoid these Travel Scams.

Sometimes the line between fraud and outright theft is blurred, such as when fraudsters approach travelers just to take their money. Scammers are often smart, talented, and award-winning artists. No one should feel ashamed about being a victim of a Travel Scams or a scam, as these are professionals who go about their business every day and are often trained by other professional scammers. As you read this, new scams are popping up around the world, but these are some of the most common Travel Scams international travelers encounter. By understanding how this advanced technology works, you can avoid these unpleasant situations.

1-The taxi overcharge:-

This is one of the most common Travel Scams. The landlord claims the meter is defective and is trying to overcharge you or you will see the meter rise faster than normal.

To avoid this Travel Scams, first understand the cost of Travel Scams. I always ask the hotel or hotel staff what mode of transportation I should use to get a frame of reference.

If the taxi driver wants to negotiate with me, I will give him a reasonable price. When it was over, I asked someone to open the counter. If the counter increases too quickly, stop the vehicle and ask to get out. Many tourist offices allow you to report bad taxi drivers, so when you get into a taxi, don’t forget to write down their identification number.
If in doubt, ask the hotel staff to call a taxi for you. They will know which companies are reliable.

Never take an unlicensed taxi, regardless of the cost!

2- Your accommodation is “closed”:-

Most taxi drivers are involved in this common Travel Scams. On the way to the hotel, the driver will tell you that the hotel is closed or abandoned, and then take you to a more expensive hotel where the driver will earn a higher commission.

How to prevent:

Call ahead to confirm if your hotel is open. Ask them to pick you up and arrange delivery. If the taxi driver tells you that there are no rooms in the hotel, ask him to take you there. Tell him you have backup (if not).

Travel Scams

3-Fake Officials:-

You may be dependent on the police or security during your trip. Sometimes you come across fake officials on the train and on the street who ask for documents. They demand money back. Never send documents if you think there is a problem.

How will false rulers survive?

Instead, ask them to take you to the police station where you can present your documents. Or ask for help from people around you. “Many local friends in India gave us advice and support when we needed it.

4-Rent a car or bicycle:-

You may think that the motorcycle or car you return is in good condition, but your rental company says otherwise. They can often have a technician ‘check’ for structural or mechanical damage.

Travel tip: Even if you go out, don’t check the bodywork, wheels, etc. Anything other than the initial inspection of the vehicle.

5-Free Bracelets Or Rosemary:-

The Travel Scams was designed to attract female passengers. A friendly boy or girl will come up and chat with you, and you’ll get a “free” friendship bracelet on your wrist. Or pick a sprig of rosemary for good luck. They ask for money at the time of purchase. If you refuse, a scene will occur.

How do we eliminate it?

Don’t let anyone do anything to your body, and be very careful about getting anything for free. Especially in many tourist areas. Ignore them and move on.

6-The spill on your clothes:-

Here you mind your own business and people spill stuff on you. This will ruin your day, but here’s the thing, right? They are deeply hurt and want to confess, clarify and apologize. We all panicked and closed our pockets. Before you know what happened you’re gone.

These scams are also common in Europe. Unless it’s a very crowded place, be careful of people passing by. If so, stay away from people and clean yourself.

Another variation is “melting”. This tactic is most common in India, where you spread animal feces on your shoes without anyone looking. If you pay attention, “helping” someone clean their shoes (or doing it yourself) can be a great hire. Instead, checking your shoes frequently to see what’s going on can help you keep an eye on your wallet.

Travel Scams

7-Let’s Get a Drink:-

A friendly English-speaking guy will start a conversation and eventually ask you if you want to grab a beer at a cool place he knows. In fact, they say, as citizens, they’re more than happy to celebrate. The two of us jumped into a taxi and soon found ourselves in a very “characteristic” place. Maybe a hot guy sits next to you and starts drinking. After a few hours, it was time to leave and the bill had ballooned. You complain, but an old man comes and asks you to pay the bill.
What should we do? Making new friends is one of the joys of traveling, but be careful if your new friends force you into unfamiliar places. Also, be careful when an attractive couple starts dating you. It does feel good, but it’s a simple system and comes with a hefty price tag.

Blog By:- ExpertSadar

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