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Bridging The Cultural Divide For Moon To Mars?


Integrating culture is difficult for several reasons. To achieve the ultimate goal of returning humans to the moon and Mars, NASA must integrate its three areas of strength: human spaceflight (HSF), engineering, and science. In the Moon to Mars (M2M) project document, NASA clearly defines the purpose of this extraordinary activity. To advance world science by creating a world capital that will influence. The future of humanity and inspire present and future generations.

In my 50-year career, I’ve seen the world of space from a variety of perspectives: a national laboratory, a startup, a consultant, NASA Ames Center director, peer-reviewed journal editor. An associate professor Stanford. This experience provided me with an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of these three cultures and how to combine them to explore other countries.


As a member of NASA’s Astrobiology Institute, I saw firsthand how difficult it is to work with a variety of scientists, including geologists, astronomers, and anthropologists. and DNA, for example. Being in the same room is an absolute necessity beyond understanding other things. The exchange of documents and papers went well but only after prior agreement between several scientific groups led by a respected scientist. When evaluating the work of other groups in science, it’s crucial to maintain constant communication and ensure that everything is heard. And follow the agreement that the analysis does not end when new information emerges. This also applies to the development of M2M scientific projects.


In 1999, NASA lost two missions to Mars. This error prompted me to go to NASA headquarters to fix the problem. During my visit, I learned that five different people are currently running the Mars program. My first task was to explain that I would be the first director as the director of the Mars program. Tonight’s show has the same problem, Artemis and us M2M viewers can’t recognize the big leader. This should be avoided. Institutions and traditions must then withstand doubt. A senior scientist working with engineers (and vice versa) to develop space projects is a unique challenge that requires management skills.

A key requirement is that each group must understand and respect the capabilities and contributions of the other group. Scientists make discoveries using time-tested methods of hypothesis generation, experimentation and data analysis. Engineers create things using methods based on physics, design, analysis, and testing. Manufacturers and engineers can develop sustainable designs by encouraging scientists to develop practical solutions, enabling iterative processes that facilitate project management capabilities for implementation. Current court decisions. I am delighted that my team has created the new design. I developed has led to successful missions to Mars for 20 years.

Human Spaceflight

NASA invited me to become an independent member of the Columbia Research Group in 2003. For seven months, the council worked extensively on the closure plan to find not only the health reasons behind the loss of staff and premises. But, also the structural and social problems that caused the problem. I learned that the concept of HSF is top-down and bottom-up and the personal commitment to the work is strong. This approach brings many surprises. My television presentation on the cause of the problem. The made “what ifs” disappear and led to the acceptance of returning to the aircraft.


Blog By:- ExpertSadar

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