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What is Environment?- Definition of Environment & Its Meaning


This guide tells you everything you need to know about the environment. Hosting environment and building environment have a simple explanation. and related teaching resources

What is an Environment?

When most people hear the word “weather,” they think of trees, oceans, and seasons, although there is nothing inherently wrong with these concepts. But the definition of “environment” is often too broad. “Environment” refers to the natural environment or conditions under which organisms (humans, animals, plants) exist.

Why is environment so important?

Simply put, nature keeps us alive. If our ecosystems are damaged and healthy air, nutrients and water fail to support us, we will have to struggle to survive. They have a major impact on the presence of species in the environment, for example if an area is too hot or humid animals cannot move. Animals do not live, this simple principle applies to humans, animals and objects.

Life has also evolved over time to adapt to different environments, for example, earlier giraffes could not reach for leaves. But now it is being approached because of its reproductive and survivability. See Evolution for more details on this process.

One of the biggest concerns for our environment is climate change and various forms of pollution such as burning fossil fuels. The effects of climate change on our ecosystems are too profound to sustain life.

What are Natural, Constructed, and Managed Environments?

There are many ways to classify different ecosystems and environments. These broad categories are further divided into smaller categories. However, there are three types of environments: natural, created and managed.

Natural Environments

An ecological environment refers to a place that exists in nature without human intervention. Examples of natural environments are rivers, mountains, forests and beaches. The properties of these areas depend on their surroundings such as soil, trees and rocks.

Natural ecosystems also fall into this category and can be classified as either terrestrial ecosystems or aquatic ecosystems. Aquatic ecosystems refer to lakes, rivers, and lagoons (saltwater and freshwater), while terrestrial ecosystems refer to tundra, forests, grasslands, and deserts.

Constructed Environments

The built environment is artificial. That means they are made by humans. These environments are unlikely to be natural and are often designed to facilitate human life. Examples of built areas include bridges, roads, buildings, schools, and railroads. Such environments can be created by using built-in features such as roads and fences, or by using certain natural features such as grass.


Managed Environments

An area that includes natural features such as forests, grasslands and water, but also human use is present and represented. A garden is an example. Lawns are naturally beautiful, but may include signs, walkways, bridges, and lighting to facilitate human movement. Gardens and farms are examples of other uses of space.

Caring for the environment

There are many things we humans can do or change in our daily lives to improve our environment. Worrying less about the environment and taking the time to consider the consequences of certain actions can have a positive effect on our planet and the environment as a whole.

Here are some great tips to help protect the environment.

  • Reduce water use. For example, avoid using tap water while brushing your teeth. Also leave the tap open if necessary. Or try taking a shower.
  • Use reusable bags to store in plastic.
  • Avoid cars and try walking or cycling instead.
  • Use energy saving lights that save electricity and turn off lights when no one is home.
  • Recycling whenever possible prevents litter from ending up on land.
  • Try to make your clothes as sustainable as possible. Try to find new clothes. At charity shops, you can recycle or donate, saving money to send to landfill.
  • Try to find these things for a better and sustainable future.

Blog BY:- ExpertSdar

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