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What Is CSS and How Does It Work?


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) allows you to create responsive websites, but how does it work? This article explains what Cascading Style Sheets is with clear syntax examples and covers important language terms.

In the HTML module introduction, we explain what HTML is and how it is used to mark up documents. This document will be read in the browser. Headings will appear larger than regular text, paragraphs will be separated by new lines, and have spaces in between. Links are colored and underlined to distinguish them from other characters. What you see is the navigation style – the basic style – that the browser applies to the HTML to ensure that pages are readable regardless of the page author’s choices.

However, the Internet would be a boring place if all websites were like this. Using CSS, you can precisely control the appearance of HTML elements in the browser, displaying your markup using the layout of your choice.

Do You Want To Learn CSS?

As you can see, CSS is essential for the overall performance of your website. Not only that, it also makes formatting easier for developers. Mastering Cascading Style Sheets is an essential and important part of becoming a strong developer.

For more guidance, take the next step in a live online course (where you can ask language experts what they learn and use) or a comprehensive web training program.

What is CSS and How Does It Work?

W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) created CSS in 1996 for a simple reason. HTML elements are not designed to contain tags that help design a page. You just need to write the site tag.

Tags like were introduced in HTML version 3.2 and caused many problems for web designers. Since websites have different fonts, colors, and key styles, rewriting code is a long, tedious, and expensive process. So V3C created Cascading Style Sheets to solve this problem.

Cascading Style Sheets isn’t a technical requirement, but you probably don’t want to see a web page containing only HTML elements because it looks empty.


How To Use CSS

We know how to use CSS and HTML, internally, embedded and of course externally.


To use a style sheet directly in an HTML document, we just need to specify how to use the style tag in the header of the HTML file. See example below:

This is often best practice when building a simple website with few features.


In this case, you create a separate CSS file. This is the most commonly used method because it allows you to use the same Cascading Style Sheets file on your website. Furthermore, it makes it easy for you to change and control the style of your website. In the HTML file, you need to link to the Cascading Style Sheets file in the header (see example below).

Inline styles are useful for making small changes to individual and specific HTML elements. CSS code is written directly in the HTML tag and is used only within that section. See example below:

CSS Advantages on Websites?

The difference between a website that uses CSS and one that doesn’t is clear. You’ve probably seen a website that doesn’t open, the background color is yellow, and most of the text is black and white. This means that the Cascading Style Sheets part of the site is not working properly or is not working properly.

Only HTML sites do, and I think you’ll agree that it’s not very good.
You must include all attributes in HTML tags before using CSS. This means that web developers can change the background, font size, layout, and more. Cascading Style Sheets allows you to do things in a separate file, so try and add the Cascading Style Sheets file to your HTML tab. This makes the actual HTML markup simpler and easier to maintain.

In short, with CSS you don’t always need to style individual elements. This saves time, shortens the code and reduces the number of errors. Cascading Style Sheets allows you to apply a variety of styles to an HTML page, so you can do unlimited customization. Now it is more important than material things.

History of CSS

1994: October 10 First written by Hakon William Lee
1996: CSS is released on November 17 with speaker Bert Bos
He later co-wrote CSS
1996: CSS is published and Cascading Style Sheets is published in December
1997: CSS Level 2 held on February 4
1998: Released on May 12

More information about CSS

CSS controls the appearance of HTML tags in two main ways:

1. The outer shape of the paper. Developers create standard web pages by using CSS in a separate .Cascading Style Sheets file. The most popular application of Cascading Style Sheets is this one.

2. Interior styling on paper/radio. Developers use CSS within HTML documents by incorporating it into tags or in text and HTML style attributes.



Blog By:- ExpertSadar

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