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What Is Cloud Technology & How Does It Work?

Cloud Technology

A cloud service uses remote servers (rather than local servers or computers) hosted by third parties to store, process and manage data.

What is Cloud Technology?

In fact, cloud computing allows you to view and store data on your personal hard drive. Dropbox, iCloud, and Google Drive are a few examples. This cloud service keeps all your data online and frees up space on your device.

How Does Cloud Technology Work?

First word Much of cloud technology operates through the data center. Instead of being stored on your phone, computer or tablet, your data is stored on virtual servers. These virtual servers connect the big data infrastructure to store and protect data.

Cloud technology provides the cloud. As the name suggests, cloud service companies manage their services themselves. Cloud services can be public or private. The method you choose depends on your company’s needs and constraints. For example, at iVenture we have created a private cloud that we and our clients use. But your phone’s Google Drive or iCloud is a public cloud because anyone can access it. Let’s break it down.

Public Cloud

As you can imagine, public clouds are available to everyone. These common applications are owned by third party vendors (think Gmail) and shared by different companies. As for Gmail, anyone can use it and many different companies use it.

Public cloud services are a great option for startups and companies that don’t have a solid security infrastructure (medical and law firms are ignored). This technology allows you to use a cloud service without spending a lot of money and staff to manage it.

Private Cloud

Private clouds (think iVenture) are specific to a particular company. IT infrastructure located on premises or in the cloud provides company data. With a private cloud, companies can expect an unparalleled level of service. A cloud is formed.

For companies with less stringent security and compliance requirements, such as HIPAA, private clouds provide additional security. Because this type of technology is proprietary, it requires a lot of work to manage and maintain.

Breakdown of IaaS, PaaS and SaaS technologies:
You can think of these three as branches of public and private clouds.

Cloud Technology


Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is traditional, physical infrastructure. This type of cloud computing moves your servers, storage and network devices into the cloud. Because you don’t have to worry about IT investments as your organization grows,IaaS assists with future planning demands.


Platform as a Service (PaaS) provides tools for companies to test and develop applications. By managing the sites that developers work on, your PaaS provider can focus on the bigger picture and keep the system running smoothly.


Software as a Service (SaaS) offers ready-to-use applications. To use the service, all you have to do is register. Microsoft Office 365 and Salesforce are good examples of SaaS providers because they offer a full range of services to companies.

* While IaaS is a private cloud, PaaS and SaaS are often public. Because usage-based pricing isn’t always the best way to build and maintain private PaaS and SaaS services.

Benefits of Cloud Technology

Cloud computing has many benefits for your organization. It enables you to create a virtual office so you can connect with corporate workspaces anytime, anywhere. With more and more web-based devices (such as smartphones and tablets) being used in today’s workplace, accessing data has never been easier.


Lower IT costs

Save money by managing and maintaining your IT systems with cloud computing. Instead of buying expensive systems and equipment for your organization, you can save money by using the services of a cloud computing provider.


Your company can easily scale up or scale down its operations and storage to meet your needs, giving you more flexibility to meet your needs. Instead of buying and installing expensive new features yourself, cloud computing providers can handle the task for you. Using the cloud helps you focus on your business, not just your technology.

Business continuity

Business continuity planning requires protection of data and systems. Backing up your data to the cloud means your data is safely backed up and stored, should you face a natural disaster, power outage or other emergency. Easy access to information allows business to continue as usual, reducing downtime and reducing productivity.


Cloud collaboration makes it easier for your organization to communicate and share than previous methods. When working on multisite projects, cloud computing can be used to share the same files with employees, contractors and third parties. Alternatively, you can use cloud computing to share your data easily.


Cloud computing allows employees to work more flexibly. For example, you can access your data at home, on vacation, or on your way to or from work (if you have an Internet connection). If you need to access your data off-premises, accessing the virtual workspace is quick and easy.

Automatic updates

As a cloud computing provider, IT infrastructure can always be updated with the latest technology. This can mean new software versions and increased server and computing processing power.



Blog By : Expert Sadar

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