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What are the types of environmental pollution?


As we all know, environmental pollution makes life worse. Pollution affects our breathing, drinking water and ecosystems. As pollution levels increase. People, animals and plants are declining because they cannot adapt to rapidly changing environments. Many factors influence the rate of diffusion and degradation of contaminants. We need to understand the impact of these resources to understand where pollution causes the most damage. Today we will show different types of environmental pollution, problems and factors that influence pollution.

Definition of environmental pollution:

Environmental pollution is the addition of harmful substances or energy that changes the composition of the environment. These variables can include air, water, land, sound and light, and changes in the value of nature have significant impacts on ecosystems and human life. Environmental pollution happens when harmful substances called pollutants are released into the environment.

Different types of environmental pollution

Contamination can occur in any phase (solid, liquid or gas) and can be caused by energy changes such as heat, light or sound. Consider some examples of environmental pollution.

Air Pollution

As we all know, the atmosphere is the source of oxygen. We humans deplete our oxygen supply by using many harmful pollutants in the air. We pollute the air and create clean air.

environmental pollution

Air pollution has many causes. This is who they are.

1. Factory exhaust
2. source of strength
3. Car exhaust
4. Perfume/deodorant scent
5. These factors do not occur in isolation. It is man-made and dangerous. They emit harmful gases into our environment and are a major source of air pollution.

Everything you see above is evidence of man-made and environmental pollution.

Due to increased air , diseases occur and people face various health problems. Air pollution in particular can lead to respiratory diseases, such as acute bronchitis and dry cough. This is how people prepare for the end of the world. Air pollution causes holes in the ozone layer and contributes to climate change. To do this, we must create recyclable and sustainable products.

Water Pollution

Water pollution affects water sources, rivers, lakes, soil erosion and groundwater. As we learned in part four, the water circulation system connects all these different water sources. For example, polluted rivers flow into the ocean, damaging the marine environment. But as sea levels disappear and environmental pollution increases, the most dangerous areas will be near rivers.

environmental pollution

Water pollution is the presence of excess physical, chemical or biological substances that alter water quality and harm living organisms. As mentioned earlier, natural water or polluted water is colorless, odorless and clear. The taste, smell or cloudiness of the water may indicate that the water is contaminated. However, some chemicals cannot be seen or tasted, such as some water contaminants such as pesticides and most water microorganisms. Therefore, water pollution is not the same as water. Wastewater may not be used for drinking, bathing, washing or agricultural purposes. When people drink contaminated water, it affects their bodies in different ways, depending on the type and amount of contaminants.

Soil Pollution.

Soil degradation due to the presence of chemicals or other man-made substances in the soil is called soil pollution. Foreign objects cause damage by changing the landscape. It has a profound impact on life, directly or indirectly. For example, plants absorb any toxic substances from the soil. Plants, like insects, survive through the food chain. Compared to other forms of environmental pollution, the effects of land are less clear, but the consequences are clearer.

environmental pollution

Contaminated soil is:

1. Improper disposal of industrial waste
2. The tumor fell off
3. air causes acid rain
4. operation of the equipment
5. Intensification of agricultural products and inputs (such as fertilizers and pesticides).
6. problems at work
7. The consequences of soil pollution vary. Certain wastes, such as radioactive waste, can be particularly hazardous if not handled properly. A well-documented example is the Chernobyl disaster, which left 2,600 square kilometers of land uninhabitable for thousands of years.

Other effects of soil contamination include:

1. Loss of nutrients in the soil makes the land unsuitable for agriculture
2. It affects the natural flora and fauna of the earth
3. Increased soil salinity causes damage to plants
4. Toxic dust such as silica dust can cause respiratory disease and lung cancer

Noise pollution.

As we all know, noise pollutes the environmental pollution. We have experienced noise pollution in various industries and know that it has many serious consequences. Tinnitus is an abnormal sound that disturbs hearing. The main causes of the collapse were traffic congestion and industrial noise.

Steps have been taken to resolve human conflicts. At Hatco Sound Wall we are proud to offer this service. These technologies are known as sound barriers and are often a great solution for preventing unwanted noise, such as car noise, industrial noise and construction equipment.

Light pollution.

Too much artificial light can cause this environmental pollution. They light up the night sky. Light disrupts natural processes. It also affects wildlife. Make them feel uncomfortable for no reason. Common in cities and densely populated towns.

Radioactive waste

Well, this pollution is caused by the irresponsible disposal of nuclear waste and nuclear power plant accidents. Radioactive waste poses the greatest threat. It can cause permanent damage to living things and the environment.

1. Radioactive contamination.
2. Some cosmic rays are invisible to the human eye.
3. Nuclear tests and accidents.
4. Radiological examination.
5. Minerals are the result of geological processes.
6. Use biodegradable chemicals.
7. Blindness, allergies, infertility, etc.
8. consequences of radioactive contamination
9. Many skin diseases are linked to cancer.
10. No roar.
11. It reduces the fertility and fertility of the soil.
12. The skin burns But since air is everywhere, it is difficult to avoid it in our lives. Everything from our cell phones to medical devices is powered by radiation. Atmosphere permeates every moment of our lives.

environmental pollution

It is important to stay away from tools and equipment to avoid exposure. We also need to reduce the use of such materials to protect the environment.

Blog By:- ExpertSadar

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