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Linn-Mar confirms 50 staff positions being cut next year


The Linn-Mar School District announced on Thursday that it will eliminate 50 full-time staff positions starting in the 2024–2025 academic year. During the board meeting on Monday, the district disclosed that despite making over $3 million in cuts this school year, an additional $2.5 million would need to be made for the next one. According to Superintendent Amy Kortemeyer, “As a school district, you concentrate on handling these financial difficulties while working to limit the effect they have on our daily operations and enhance the standard of the education that our students receive.”

Every employee who works in our schools adds tremendous value to our kids and families, so we don’t take these decisions lightly. To balance our budget and fulfill our duty to have a sound financial position, we must act, nevertheless. As part of the budget reduction, 31 full-time classified staff positions and 19 full-time teaching posts will be eliminated. The district has identified many reasons for the financial deficit, including decreased enrollment, low revenue from the state legislature, and expired COVID-19 relief assistance. “We have the good fortune to work with a community that values its local schools and the individuals who support them,” Kortemeyer remarked.

“They are still dedicated to providing our kids with the greatest educational experience while keeping our budget in check. We want the community and employees to know that we will overcome these obstacles as a team. The letter from Superintendent Amy Kortemeyer to district employees and families is available below:

Greetings, Families

I’m writing to inform you of the approximately $2.5 million in budget cuts the Linn-Mar Community School District revealed this past Monday during the Board of Education Meeting for the upcoming fiscal year, 2024–2025. The district has cut costs in several areas, both personnel-related and non-related ones, to balance the budget.

We have some tough choices to make.

Our predicament is shared by several school districts around the state, mostly as a result of years of inadequate financing for state supplementary aid (SSA). The reduction of funds for ESSER (COVID relief), and a decline in certified enrollment. To address the budget shortfall, we have so far taken several actions. Such as asking staff members for cost-saving suggestions. Providing early separation incentives to teachers and administrators alike. And conducting a survey to find out what the staff members’ plans are for the upcoming academic year.

This school year, the district made cutbacks of almost $3 million. However, factors unrelated to personnel, early separations, retirements, or resignations alone will not be sufficient to accomplish next year’s reductions. We will need to cut our teaching staff by 19 full-time equivalent (FTE). Jobs and our classified staff by 31 full-time. Equivalent (FTE) positions for the 2024–25 school year. Since wages and benefits account for 80% of the district’s general fund budget.

Employees impacted by the layoffs have been informed. As a result of these steps, we anticipate that some class sizes (i.e., 21–25 at the primary level). Will revert to pre-pandemic levels. Our goal is to reduce these budgetary cuts as little as possible without compromising. The high caliber of education our kids get. Our community’s public schools serve as its beating heart. And we can use our combined voices to push for sufficient financing for them. Please think about bringing up this important topic with your state lawmakers. We appreciate your support of the kids we serve at the Linn-Mar Community School District.


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