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How Can Technology Improve Productivity?


Productivity is a measure of how much work employees can do and how well they can do it. Many factors influence productivity, including work environment, employee motivation, and company operations. Improving productivity is often a top goal for company leaders, and finding new tools to increase employee productivity is a top priority.

For both remote workers and home teams, technology can make employees more productive by providing better collaboration, communication, and time-saving tools. But when organizations add new technology without measuring its impact, teams may end up using tools they don’t need, or it may actually make employees less productive. Learn how new technology can increase productivity in the workplace and how ActiveTrack can help measure the impact of technology on productivity.

Relationship between technology and productivity:

Technology provides many communication and collaboration tools, both of which drive core business functions. This knowledge enables employees to complete their work efficiently with spreadsheets, presentation software, bookkeeping tools, data processing tools, calculators, and more. Additionally, the technology enables seamless collaboration between internal and external teams through web conferencing, communities, team rooms, and more.

Technological innovation has given rise to smart business applications such as customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), human resources and expense claim systems that enable teams to spend their working time more efficiently. Crowdsourcing is made possible and facilitated by forums, surveys, polls and think tanks. Technology has brought about a sea change in workplace culture around the world, with online collaboration tools becoming prominent. Empowering employees in the three areas of connectivity, communication and collaboration brings productivity to life.

Can new technologies make us more productive?


Organizations are introducing new technologies into the workplace in an effort to reduce errors, accelerate progress, and reduce employee stress as well as increase employee productivity. Cloud-based technologies have impacted organizations’ ability to work from anywhere, including mobile devices. Technologies such as artificial intelligence are expected to have a significant impact on industry and commerce over the next decade.

However, some researchers argue that the technology is not living up to its promise of increasing worker productivity. New technology can drain team members’ energy, especially if it’s not intuitive. In fact, some new technologies like social media can confuse employees if not implemented properly. The worst case scenario is when employees try to avoid using the technology that leadership has spent valuable time and money on to make their jobs easier. But there are ways to ensure that new technology can increase productivity in organizations of all sizes. One way is to measure their impact.

3 ways technology improves productivity:

If increasing productivity is your organization’s goal, technology may be your first priority. Here are some ways technology can improve organizational productivity:

1.Automation and time-saving tools.

Perhaps the biggest way technology improves productivity is the use of time-saving tools. This is especially true when it comes to automation. By taking repetitive or repetitive tasks off your employees’ hands, you free up their time for more creative work.
Time-saving tools can help employees complete their work faster, which is an obvious boon for productivity. This, in turn, can help increase employee engagement, which will boost morale and promote a productive cycle.

2.Improved communication and collaboration tools.

With employees spread across remote environments and even offices, communication and collaboration are keys to productivity. Technology can facilitate communication and help employees stay connected no matter where they are. The right tools can help streamline tasks between employees to track projects and prevent bottlenecks that cause delays in schedules. Communication and collaboration tools can help managers better track employee sentiment, which can help get to the root of employee morale issues and address employee engagement issues.

3.Increased accessibility.

Accessible work equipment improves the work environment and enables all employees to complete their jobs more efficiently. In fact, increasing access to new technologies helps create jobs for people who were previously excluded from the workforce. All employees can access business tools from the cloud and perform common tasks from mobile devices Remote and hybrid workers will be more productive when they can easily access their work from anywhere, and companies can rely on new technologies to protect security and data.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Productivity:

Begin by examining the positive and negative impacts of technology on productivity.



Increased efficiency.

Technology increases efficiency by speeding up processes and reducing errors. It helps us work more efficiently by automating repetitive tasks, providing faster access to information, and improving communication and collaboration.


Using technology allows us to automate many routine tasks, such as data entry and invoicing, freeing up time for more creative and valuable work.

Better collaboration & communication.

Teams can now collaborate easily no matter where their projects are located Tools like video conferencing, instant messaging, and project management software enable teams to collaborate in real time, share files, and communicate effectively no matter where they are.

Data analysis.

Technology makes it easier to analyze data and make informed decisions. Using tools like business intelligence software and machine learning algorithms, we can make data-driven decisions that increase productivity and efficiency.


Technology allows us to work from anywhere, anytime, resulting in increased productivity and a better balance between work and personal life.


Technology allows us to customize our work environments and choose the tools and programs that work best for us.


However, using technology to increase productivity also has some drawbacks. We introduce some of them.


Technology can be confusing, especially with the rise of social media and other online entertainment. It’s important to set boundaries and limit the time spent on work-related activities.


Technology can be a double-edged sword and it’s important not to rely too much on it. Employees should have backup plans in place to ensure business continuity in the event of a power or technology outage.


As cyber threats and data breaches increase, it is important to ensure that sensitive data is protected and all necessary precautions are taken to prevent cyber attacks.

Information overload.

With so much information at your fingertips, it can be difficult to filter out the noise and focus on what matters. Sometimes, the amount of messages and notifications we receive can become overwhelming, leading to fatigue and disconnection.


Increased reliance on technology and lack of face-to-face communication can lead to social isolation, especially for remote workers.

Health problems.

Sitting in front of a computer for long periods of time can lead to health problems such as eye strain, back pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Final Words.

Technology is constantly evolving to better serve users and make life easier. When companies engage, technology is used to improve operations, increase productivity and reduce costs. Productivity depends on the individual and then on the team as a whole, but the tools available increase the potential.


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